y-cruncher Multi-Precision Library

A Multi-threaded Multi-Precision Arithmetic Library

(Powered by y-cruncher)

(Last updated: March 3, 2016)



YMP Library:

Large Number Objects:

Low-Level Programming:

BigIntO - Large Integer (with RAII)


BigIntO is an ownership subclass of BigInt.



Ownership subclasses are standard RAII objects that can be copied and moved. While they are easy to use, they also have tremendous overhead from memory allocation and page-commit. If utmost maximum performance is desired, consider using the raw classes intstead.


Ownership classes are designed for scripting and research. They are not used in y-cruncher. Most functions for ownership classes are implemented as wrappers over their counterparts from the raw classes.


More on "ownership" classes.



Most functions that require large multiplication have two versions: One with and one without the mp parameter that allows control over the "hidden parameters" required for large multiplication.


Some functions require more scratch buffers in addition to the one in the mp parameter. These extra scratch buffers are allocated automatically and currently cannot be controlled with the BigIntO class. Users wishing to bypass even these memory allocations will be required to use BigIntR instead.




Function List:


Inherited from BigInt:


Basic Arithmetic:

Large Multiplication:

Functions Library:





BigIntO<u32_t>::BigIntO ();

BigIntO<u64_t>::BigIntO ();


Construct a new object with the value of zero.


Small Integer:

BigIntO<u32_t>::BigIntO (u32_t x);

BigIntO<u64_t>::BigIntO (u32_t x);


BigIntO<u32_t>::BigIntO (s32_t x);

BigIntO<u64_t>::BigIntO (s32_t x);


BigIntO<u32_t>::BigIntO (uiL_t x);

BigIntO<u64_t>::BigIntO (uiL_t x);


BigIntO<u32_t>::BigIntO (siL_t x);

BigIntO<u64_t>::BigIntO (siL_t x);


Construct a new object with a value of x.


Truncate from BigFloat:

explicit BigIntO<u32_t>::BigIntO (const BigFloat<u32_t>& x);

explicit BigIntO<u64_t>::BigIntO (const BigFloat<u64_t>& x);


Construct a new object from BigFloat x. The value is truncated to an integer towards zero.



Basic Arithmetic:



void BigIntO<u32_t>::negate ();

void BigIntO<u64_t>::negate ();


Negates this object.



Multiply by Power-of-Two:

void BigIntO<u32_t>::operator<<= (upL_t bits);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::operator<<= (upL_t bits);


Multiplies this object by 2bits.



Divide by Power-of-Two:

void BigIntO<u32_t>::operator>>= (upL_t bits);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::operator>>= (upL_t bits);


Divides this object by 2bits rounding towards zero.




Single-Word Multiply:

void BigIntO<u32_t>::operator*= (u32_t x);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::operator*= (u64_t x);


Multiplies this object by x.




BigIntO<u32_t> operator+ (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

BigIntO<u64_t> operator+ (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


BigIntO<u32_t> operator- (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

BigIntO<u64_t> operator- (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::operator+= (const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::operator+= (const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::operator-= (const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::operator-= (const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::set_add (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::set_add (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::set_sub (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::set_sub (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


Computes A + B or A - B.




Large Multiplication:


Large Multiplication - Basic:

BigIntO<u32_t> sqr (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, upL_t tds = 1);

BigIntO<u64_t> sqr (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, upL_t tds = 1);


BigIntO<u32_t> mul (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);

BigIntO<u64_t> mul (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);


BigIntO<u32_t> operator* (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

BigIntO<u64_t> operator* (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::operator*= (const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::operator*= (const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::set_sqr (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, upL_t tds = 1);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::set_sqr (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, upL_t tds = 1);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::set_mul (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::set_mul (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);

Large Multiplication - Parameter Controlled:

void BigIntO<u32_t>::set_sqr (const BasicParameters& mp, const BigInt<u32_t>& A);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::set_sqr (const BasicParameters& mp, const BigInt<u64_t>& A);


void BigIntO<u32_t>::set_mul (const BasicParameters& mp, const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

void BigIntO<u64_t>::set_mul (const BasicParameters& mp, const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


Computes A2 or A * B.

The operator overloading functions use tds = 1 (no parallelism).




BasicParameter (mp) Required Fields:


Functions Library:


Addition, subtraction, and multiplication are the only operations that are supported by the class itself. Everything else is implemented separately in a functions library.


Object to Hexadecimal String:

std::string to_string_hex (const BigInt<u32_t>& x);

std::string to_string_hex (const BigInt<u64_t>& x);


Converts x to a string representation in base 16.



Object to Decimal String:

std::string to_string_dec (const BigInt<u32_t>& x, upL_t tds = 1);

std::string to_string_dec (const BigInt<u64_t>& x, upL_t tds = 1);


Converts x to a string representation in base 10.


Note that the current implementation of this function suffers heavily from Amdahl's Law - the serial part being the string formatting and the final conversion to std::string.





BigIntO<u32_t> div (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);

BigIntO<u64_t> div (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);


BigIntO<u32_t> operator/ (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

BigIntO<u64_t> operator/ (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


Computes floor(A / B).

The operator overloading functions use tds = 1 (no parallelism).





BigIntO<u32_t> mod (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);

BigIntO<u64_t> mod (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);


BigIntO<u32_t> operator% (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

BigIntO<u64_t> operator% (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


Computes A - B * floor(A / B).

The operator overloading functions use tds = 1 (no parallelism).




Divide and Modulus:

void divmod (BigIntO<u32_t>& Q, BigIntO<u32_t>& R, const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);

void divmod (BigIntO<u64_t>& Q, BigIntO<u64_t>& R, const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B, upL_t tds = 1);



This function is more efficient than calling div() and mod() separately.

