y-cruncher Multi-Precision Library

A Multi-threaded Multi-Precision Arithmetic Library

(Powered by y-cruncher)

(Last updated: March 3, 2016)



YMP Library:

Large Number Objects:

Low-Level Programming:

BigInt - Large Integer


BigInt is a large floating-point object:




BigInt is an abstract base class for BigIntR and BigIntO. So it cannot be used directly.

These subclasses differ in only their resource ownership policies. But otherwise, they have nearly identical functionality.





The current representation of the BigInt object is as follows:

BigInt = sign * ( A[0] + A[1]*base1 + A[2]*base2 + A[3]*base3 + ... )

with the following relevant fields:


Function List:


Being the abstract base class, there isn't much functionality here.


Const Getters:




Get Array Pointer:

const u32_t* BigInt<u32_t>::get_T () const;

const u64_t* BigInt<u64_t>::get_T () const;


Returns a pointer to the start of the internal array.

Get Length:

upL_t BigInt<u32_t>::get_L () const;

upL_t BigInt<u64_t>::get_L () const;


Return the logical length of the array. (the mantissa)

Get Sign:

int BigInt<u32_t>::get_sign () const;

int BigInt<u64_t>::get_sign () const;



Get Buffer Size:

upL_t BigInt<u32_t>::get_buffersize () const;

upL_t BigInt<u64_t>::get_buffersize () const;


Returns the size of the internal buffer. This gives the largest number (in words) that can be stored in the object.


Is Zero:

bool BigInt<u32_t>::is_zero () const;

bool BigInt<u64_t>::is_zero () const;


Returns true if the current object is zero.



u32_t BigInt<u32_t>::operator[] (siL_t mag) const;

u64_t BigInt<u64_t>::operator[] (siL_t mag) const;


Returns the word at the specified magnitude.



(return value) = Floor( Abs(this) / basemag ) mod base


Get Range:

void BigInt<u32_t>::get_range (u32_t* buffer, siL_t s, upL_t L) const;

void BigInt<u64_t>::get_range (u64_t* buffer, siL_t s, upL_t L) const;


Get the words in the range [s, s + L) and write them to buffer. This is a multi-word version of operator[].



{buffer, L} = Floor( Abs(this) / bases ) mod baseL



bool operator< (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

bool operator< (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


bool operator> (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

bool operator> (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


bool operator<= (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

bool operator<= (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


bool operator>= (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

bool operator>= (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


bool operator== (const BigInt<u32_t>& A, const BigInt<u32_t>& B);

bool operator== (const BigInt<u64_t>& A, const BigInt<u64_t>& B);


int BigInt<u32_t>::cmp (const BigInt<u32_t>& B) const;

int BigInt<u64_t>::cmp (const BigInt<u64_t>& B) const;


Standard comparison operators.


cmp() returns:


Incremental Scratch Buffer Size:

static uiL_t BigInt<u32_t>::iPsize_clen (uiL_t clen, upL_t tds = 1);

static uiL_t BigInt<u64_t>::iPsize_clen (uiL_t clen, upL_t tds = 1);


Similar to mul_iPsize().


Returns the size of the scratch buffer needed to call any large multiplication on a BigInt object with a product of at most clen words and using a task decomposition of at most tds.


This is mainly used for populating the BasicParameters object.