Binary Splitting Recursion Library

By Alexander Yee


(Last updated: May 23, 2024)




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This is a dump of Binary Splitting recursions for various series and constants. For the most part, these are what y-cruncher uses.

All run-time complexities shown assume that large multiplication is O( N log(N) ).





e - exp(1):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)2 )


Series Type: Hyperdescent

Series Speed: Superlinear






Custom Formula File: e - exp(1).cfg


e - exp(-1):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)2 )


Series Type: Hyperdescent

Series Speed: Superlinear






Custom Formula File: e - exp(-1).cfg


Pi - Chudnovsky (1988):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 0.367)






Custom Formula File: Pi - Chudnovsky.cfg


Pi - Ramanujan (1910):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 0.653)






Custom Formula File: Pi - Ramanujan.cfg


ArcCoth(x) - Taylor Series:


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 4 / log(x2))





Zeta(3) - Amdeberhan-Zeilberger (1997):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 2.885)






Custom Formula File: Zeta(3) - Amdeberhan-Zeilberger.cfg


Zeta(3) - Wedeniwski (1998):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 2.755)






Custom Formula File: Zeta(3) - Wedeniwski.cfg


Zeta(3) - Zuniga (2023-v):



Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 2.307)






Custom Formula File: Zeta(3) - Zuniga (2023-v).cfg


Zeta(3) - Zuniga (2023-vi):



Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 2.051)






Custom Formula File: Zeta(3) - Zuniga (2023-vi).cfg



Catalan - Lupas (2000):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 11.542)






Custom Formula File: Catalan - Lupas.cfg


Catalan - Huvent (2006):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: BinaryBBP

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 17.312)



Huvent's formula can be rearranged as follows:



Series Type: BinaryBBP

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 12.984)



Custom Formula Files:


Catalan - Guillera (2008):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 11.542)






A trivial rearrangement of the formula leads to a much faster series:



Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 5.771)






Custom Formula File: Catalan - Guillera (2008).cfg


Catalan - Guillera (2019):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 4.189)






Custom Formula File: Catalan - Guillera (2019).cfg



Catalan - Pilehrood (2010-short):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 3.074)






Custom Formula File: Catalan - Pilehrood (short).cfg


Catalan - Pilehrood (2010-long):


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 4.617)






Custom Formula File: Catalan - Pilehrood (long).cfg


Catalan - Zuniga (2023): (ETA: y-cruncher v0.8.3)


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 3.392)






Custom Formula File: Catalan - Zuniga (2023).cfg


ArcSinlemn(x/y) - Series:


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 2 / log(y/x))





Lemniscate - Zuniga (2023-vii):



Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 1.566)






Custom Formula File: Lemniscate - Zuniga (2023-vii).cfg


Lemniscate - Zuniga (2023-viii):



Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: CommonP2B3

Series Speed: Linearly Convergent (cost = 1.564)






Custom Formula File: Lemniscate - Zuniga (2023-viii).cfg


Euler-Mascheroni Constant - Brent-McMillan (1980) Series A and B:

The Brent-McMillan formula is an approximation to the Euler-Mascheroni Constant.




The parameter n determines how good the approximation is. To compute N digits, you must pick a suitably large n such that the approximation is sufficient.


Run-Time Complexity for N digits: O( N log(N)3 )


Series Type: Specialized

Series Speed: Superlinear for a fixed n





Note that there are two error bounds in this final formula:

The series is divergent for the first n terms. The 2nd error bound only holds when the series begins converging. Therefore you must sum at least n terms.


If n has been chosen carefully to reach exactly the desired precision, then the number of terms i to be summed should be chosen such that the second error bound reaches the same desired precision. This can be done by setting i as follows:



where the 3.59112... is the solution to the following equation:




This 7-variable recursion shown above is freshly derived and unoptimized. The one that y-cruncher uses is optimized down to 4 variables.

But to break it down a bit:


The Brent-McMillan formula is by far the most difficult and complicated to implement among the mainstream constants: